Acts of Kindness
Kindness is a word we hear often. Yet there can never be enough of it. The world always needs more of it and so do we. I have been an ardent proponent of giving back kindness to the universe through the thick and thins of life.
Therefore when I got a chance to write about acts of kindness that I performed in 24 hours, I felt a little awkward. However since at AMAL we don’t feel awkward in expressing ourselves, I decided to give it a try. Here are a few acts of kindnesses about which I can think of right now:
Cooking dinner for my family:
Juggling through hectic university life, life at AMAL, and many other activities, I rarely get free time. So when today I got some free time, I decided to cook pasta for my family. I like cooking and baking for fun. I am not good at it but at least I know that I’ll never starve on my own. It felt really good when the pasta turned out delicious and everyone loved it. It’s a wonder how we feel happy when we see our loved ones happy.
Giving up on an argument with my brother:
You are a rare specimen if you have siblings and you’ve never argued with them. Incidentally, I happened to be arguing with my brother on a souvenir that we both pitched in for. Amidst the argument, I thought that a small souvenir won’t hurt me in any way yet at the same time it would mean a lot to my brother. This thought made me give up my stance and I feel content about it.
Babysitting my only nephew:
Maternal uncle (Mamu) is supposed to babysit his nephew unconditionally but I hope no one will mind if I sneak it into an act of kindness (because I am running low on any other acts of kindness). To be honest, kids are the dumbest, cutest creatures to exist in the world and the only thing stopping me from eating my nephew is that I am not a cannibal. However sometimes it gets hectic to handle him, but it’s a price I am willing to pay (sometimes :P).
Helping a friend in an assignment:
Ever since COVID-19 struck, we have never been more digital than we are now. For an IT student like me, it is fun to be more digital. However, I’ve seen a lot of people struggling in the face of this mammoth of an adversity. Besides, I have always believed that compassion for our friends and family is one of the most powerful bonds that can ever exist. So when a friend of mine needed help, I decided to divide my attention from my assignment (with a strict impending deadline) and helped my friend. After all, an assignment with divided attention is better than a sad-faced friend.
Wake up, folks! My not so inspiring blog post is almost over. Considering the word limit, I’ll finish with four acts of kindness instead of five which I was supposed to write. Spreading kindness is such a vast and easy concept that I don’t think my blog makes an inkling of a difference to the oceans of kindness spread by so many amazing people in the world. Maybe you don’t get the kindness back from the people you expect, but that shouldn’t be the thing motivating you. The only thing you should have is the faith that whatever you are giving to the universe and its creations, it will reach you back throughout your existence. Not necessarily in the same form but perhaps in a much better way. All you have to do is to keep sharing small muffins and brownies of happiness. The rest will follow in its due course.