Jadu Full Stack development Fellowship Week 2

1 min readFeb 22, 2021


Week 2 of Jadu fellowship was a good chance of revising all my concepts related to HTML and Personal Branding.

In HTML, we went through the essentials of html which included paragraphs, headings, list items, anchors, images, comments. On Friday we went through divs and spans, buttons, input fields, radio button, range & sliders. Finally we did some form validation on Friday.

I tried to implement this all to create a copy of Jadu website.

Here is the link to original website:

And here is what I created using html only:


We had a session on Personal Branding in which we learned the importance of personal branding and how it is important to have a few specific fields to choose and focus on them instead of being a jack of all trades and master of none. These few fields should define your brand and your actions and words should reflect your brand positively.

I am eager to learn more in next sessions. I feel this week ended up productively.

