2 min readDec 17, 2020


Smart goals are very helpful in establishing clear concepts related to what we want in our life. Therefore I made a list of smart goals that I need to achieve in near future.

A description of SMART goals.

SMART Goals:

1: I want to do an internship in cloud computing from a reputable software house starting from June 2021.

2: I want to get a job as a Cloud engineer within a week after my degree is completed and get self sufficient.

3: I want to gain soft skills from AMAL academy till February 22, so I can nail my interview and present an irrefutable CV to the place I apply for internship and later job.

Tasks for one smart goal:

1: I want to do an internship in cloud computing from a reputable software house starting from June 2021.

TASK A: Get more insights into cloud computing and find an introductory course on it.

TASK B: Get a firm grasp on basics of cloud computing by enrolling into a course on it.

TASK C: Watch introductory module of the course on Cloud Computing.

Enrollment in a course for Cloud Computing.

I have completed Task A, B already. Working on Task C.




Written by Abdullah

Reader | Writer | Observer | Speaker | Thinker

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